Saturday, April 21, 2018

April, the rapture and crazy guys in cars

The shouting has started in earnest especially in YouTubers prophecy channels, the 23rd of April is the rapture and the world ends the 28....

Or is it the 21st?

Awhile back I wrote a post about a truck driver that drove around and masturbated who had become a porn thing I neglected to mention was he wore a knitted cap...follow me on this one.

I have come to find that there are lots of men under 50(ish) who drive around in their cars and do strange stuff while wearing knitted caps.

A HUGE percentage of them are PROPHETS of some ilk...mostly self labeled truthers who want you to pat close attention to their message...doom gloom and the end of days.

They tend to talk loud and fast, they all share a similar vacant, rambling style and if you pay attention you will hear the names of YouTube gurus pop up all too often in their diatribes.

They also have a mocking, bullying edge that if you don't believe you are a part of the sleeping sheep wandering around the earth pretending to understand what's going on by refusing to accept the message.

Today I watched a bit of one fellow who seriously needs to take his meds and come down from space who carries a communion wafer around in his vest pocket that someone tried to make him eat at his grandmothers funeral-"THEY" tried to force him to eat it and drink the stuff but JESUS is SATAN and the contrails are blocking out the sky to make people unhappy and cold....

If this makes no sense to you, congratulations, there may be hope left for you...

This guy has the requisite knit cap and beard-I think its how we are supposed to recognize that he is one of the TRUTHERS and a genuine prophet.

It seems he has his car set up to whenever he gets a message that needs sending he can click on the camera and go, upload and keep driving---in snowstorms, rain and probably burning hail-just speculating on that one-burning hail usually shows up eventually in apocalypse tales.

Another fellow-also with car, cap and beard, was enjoying his LAST chicken burrito as he drove and prophesized the rapture for the 23rd or maybe the 21st but the end is the 28th for sure.

He has a less angry delivery more a sneering, mocking, better than thou quality.

There are MANY more---the king of the wacky prophets has a ZZ TOP beard and dreadlocks and looks like someone's jewfish grandpa gone Road Warrior...he, however, does not drive...he sits in a chair and pontificates but the message is not far from all the others.

First you take some old testament hell and brimstone, mix in some Nostradamus (and even Edgar Cayce) add a healthy dose of Astrology especially where you can pick the parts you like and ignore the rest and the quote from a fellow whack job or two ---seems simple.

Interestingly they often seem to have PATREON or some sort of funding links-I guess just in case the numbers don't pay they can manage to get their burritos and beverages and gas for their studios (cars).

As always my concern is KIDS who get trapped into this semi-organized drooling-a great many devoted YouTubers seem to be under 20 and looking for a cause.

Flat Earth, Niburu/ Planet X and end times seem very popular amongst the EMO, GOTH and Gamers gangs.

The videos themselves would be almost laughable if there weren't so many of them and if it weren't for the hundreds of comments they receive.

It's fairly easy to dismiss a chubby, bearded guy with a message of doom driving around looking for a purpose but when you see attached a string of comments obviously written by teens and the walking lost an ominous tone creeps in.

What if this seemingly random band of end time prophets is way more sinister?

Schools shootings, mall shootings, not much to lose if the world is much many conspiracies---dying honey bees, government suppression, chemtrails, the military/industrial complex.

These things don't get the proper attention and in the current political environment its OK to lable anything you don't agree with as fake.

Have you noticed how FAKE and DEBUNKED have become everyday parts of conversations.

It shocks me how easily people share personal information, life tragedies etc on FACEBOOK and YouTube for that matter.

I was just watching a drama play out of YouTube between two people-one a customer and the other a business owner that included some very hefty use of profanity and also crying, gnashing of teeth, threats...better that real housewives of wherever and so much fresher.

I started watching YouTube because if the travel videos, how-tos and performing arts clips.

I started looking up specific references given in videos and pretty soon like any social media they start offering you things they THINK you will enjoy.

The ravings of madmen (and women) don't affect me much...I have learned rather quickly how to change the channel and how enough can be too much.

It's only when you start hearing mainstream media, radio hosts etc quoting from the knit cap crazies that one begins to become concerned.

Just recently I heard a talk show host say that she cannot miss the postings of a woman on YouTube who mostly is convinced that Yellowstone is going to blast the guts out of the USA at any moment.

She mixes a little Bible and a little prophecy with lots of incorrect information and downright delusions (I should mention here that the YELLOWSTONE end timers are another group of crazies on YouTube).

So bottom line the Yellowstone lady is getting national advertising for her YouTube channel.

Should you ever go wandering amongst the seedy back alleys of YouTube be aware you may want to travel very quietly-if you get lured into making a disparaging comment against one of the gurus you will find yourself labeled a troll-not only that but an agent of the CIA, or a government get the idea.

A geologist made a comment on one famous Yellowstone channel that there was no science in what had been posted and he wrote several reassuring paragraphs supporting his hypothesis-he was blasted with dozens of vicious comments and anytime he attempted to defend himself or anyone else attempted to defend him they were also blasted, called names, ridiculed and threatened.

You Tube had promised just recently to add links to "MAIN STREAM" information on any post that was too far off sanity-so far I don't see any of that sort of balancing act happening.

Its much needed.

Its also very hard to complain to YouTube about a channel owner lying or twisting the truth.

I am a huge first amendment supporter but I don't think the right to free speech is supposed to include lies, slander and crowd agitation---the same law that makes shouting fire in a crowded theatre should also cover shouting doomsday in a tense, crowded country.

In the past 10 years I would say the END has been given at least a hundred dates or time frames-seems like people have been hoping for the end for hundreds of years.

My fear is that there are people who pray for the RAPTURE and believe that the end of times is a good thing because they are on the right side of religion- George W. Bush, Mike Pence and other 7% Christians are in powerful company to cause an Armageddon.

To me they are NOT to be trusted.

Believe what you want and even have conviction in your beliefs but don't force those beliefs on others and especially don't make people feel that YOU are the word and the light and if they don't believe in you they are sleeping sheep .

We don't think one small person with an agenda can have much effect on the world but the we are forced to remember HITLER the frustrated artist who became for a time the most powerful man on earth.

How many people died under MAO's persecution of the artists, educated and philosophical

Look up SAVANAROLA the rabid priest who literally burned the heart out of Europe in the name of GOD.

Jim Jones, Charles Manson, the list goes on and on.....

Saturday, April 14, 2018

What the hell is going on???

I was taught to respect the office of the president of the United States-if not the man the job he stands for.

I was also taught that one does NOT discuss politics or religion nor malign one's friends for their beliefs no stoop to low slurs and above all to check sources and verify facts before broadcasting one's personal beliefs about the peccadillos in Washington and any state capitol.

When Jack Kennedy and Richard Nixon for that matter ran for office the low blows became lower-Kennedy was a Catholic and people were terrified about what that would mean for American politics.

When Barry Goldwater ran many tried to paint him as a Jew passing for Episcopalian, a war monger and crazy if nothing else.

It seemed like every election, year by year the rhetoric got lower and sleazier, pettier and downright dishonest.

The 2 party system encourages each side to slander the other based on the platform of the party-Conservatives are crazy war hungry, rifle toting bigots dedicated to making the rich richer.

Liberals want to give the country away, have no morals, want guns locked up and are heading for a one world government designed by the illuminati.

There is no chance for anyone running on a third party ticket because of the electoral college system which should have been GONE in the 1960s - its fairly clear that elections have been tampered with since John Kennedy.

Many believe that incidents like Watergate (republicans), Iran Contra (republicans), Cuba and the Bay of Pigs (democrats), The Cuban Missile Crisis (democrats) and so on are simply smokescreens to keep the population in turmoil and distracted from what is actually going on in this (and other) countries and governments.

For many years it was about protecting Israel from repercussions for their own actions not they are out of control and care little about American opinions.

It seems clear since Iran and the shah that the USA meddles far beyond what it should be doing in the politics of other countries and really is no better than many of the powers we protest about like the former Soviet Union and now Russia.

Most Americans have an opinion about what is going on but with the media so untrustworthy, foreign agencies posting fake news and downright lies from all sides how clear a picture do we have of what has gone on in the last 40 years or so and what is happening now.

We still do not have solid evidence on who was responsible for the assassination of JFK, did we or did we NOT augment our actual space program with manufactured fake videos?

What are all these objects people film and photograph? What are the loud booms, light flashes and subsonic vibrations that are happening across this country and elsewhere?

I am fairly sure at this point that most of not all can be traced back to black operations of our government and other world powers.

People fear ALIENS and extraterrestrial invasions-I think there is much more to fear from our own governments.

Since the Bush/Gore election debacle and vote tampering its seems every year the tension is higher, the rhetoric louder and hotter, hate runs high and insanity higher and we as a nation have become more and more polarized.

Organized religion has become separated into factions ranging from a liberal and accepting group to a hard shelled, ultra conservative minority that is very vocal and has the attention of the media on both sides: This faction is painted as being controlled by militia crazies and gun toting haters, anti feminists who are seeking world war for reasons of bringing on the RAPTURE.

George W. Bush and his regime were highly suspected by many of belonging to this movement.

When Trump was elected it was widely discussed that Mike Pence and Paul Ryan were the "Cheneys" of his administration: running things from behind the scenes and trying to manipulate an AMERICAN CHRISTIAN THEOCRACY of a level matching or surpassing Iran's Muslim Model.

Its no accident that A HANDMAIDS TALE became a sensation with its fictionalized view of an America torn apart by such a governing model.

Few people know or remember that the same story was released as a feature film with Faye Dunaway and Robert Duval 30 years (approx.) ago...

We have separation of CHURCH and STATE to protect us from such a tragedy but of late the lines are unclear about how much power a small minority with the magic formula of hate, lies and promises might wield.

I don't think in my life there has ever been as vicious a campaign as TRUMP/CLINTON - there certainly were vicious, untruthful battles back 100 years and more.

The world wars seemed to distill American's thoughts and loyalties more to the white house and Washington D C but then Korea, Viet Nam and the middle East divided that loyalty and nationalism into distrust.

It became "clear" that men like Dick Cheney and others were getting rich and enriching their like-thinking friends on the backs of American wars and interventions.

"RULING" houses like the Bush family cause more distrust, voter tampering and outright theft (though unproven) of elections widened the gap.

9-11 has never been solved, explained or healed.

FAR too many questions.

That tragedy has its roots in Oklahoma City and the Brach Davidians in Texas and Ruby Ridge and more...

At some point we need to get the coolest minds in this country together, we need to rationally sift out the rancid cat box that is Washington D C-prosecute the criminals whomever they are on on whatever side of the aisle they come from-adjust our tattered constitution and try to resurrect this country and its reputation back to its real and former glory.

Knowing that we, for many years, loved in a false dream of what America was and what it offered only makes it more important to wake up and try to find some way to make an even playing field for ALL the people of this country.

We have so many problems-issues of colour, ethnicity, ideology, economics and equality at the top of the list.

Slavery was abolished on paper and reinstated based on skin colour in fact.

How does the government have any rights to make laws that govern a persons body, sexuality and identity?

Law needs to stay OUT of our bedrooms-the new laws on "SEX TRAFFICING" on the internet have much less to do with prostitution and exploitation than CONTROL: They want the MIND POLICE out looking for thought CRIMES.

In the America of 2018 they can put you in prison and destroy your life for looking at the wrong pictures-and those are pictures that THEY have decided are wrong: How soon does that set of guidelines change from actions that we all know are wrong to much more middle of the road images that they DECIDE are wrong?

I used to laugh when they said that George Orwell and Aldous Huxley were too close to the tuth-1984 just had the dates wrong-they were a little too early for the smart minds to fall into the trap of fulfilling prophecy.

Have you noticed that almost anything that comes into popular culture is now ALSO establishing itself as "TRUTH" in the land of conspiracy?

The Matrix was a startling vision of dystopian society and mind expanding fiction-now they say it may be true-we may be living in a construct...

Flat Earth is going away it's expanding with millions of believers.

I was touched and excited by the new upward thinking and actions of ELON MUSK-I still believe he and men and women like him may be our hope for the children and generations to come: How can he and his fellow utopian thinkers flourish in a climate that labels him FAKE, fraudulent, untrustworthy and deceitful?

The UGLY battle between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton hasn't ended-it has expanded-it had ended friendships, caused huge rifts in our society...the only reason I feel safe at all is because I live in California-a state that is basically liberal...and trust me those who think LIBERAL is a bad word will be sad if that line of thought ever disappears.

What is not made clear is that Liberals can want control on guns but also want sovereign borders on our country: freedom of choice for women, equal rights for all people and an equal chance for all children understanding that this country cannot afford to take care of the world.

The USA can no longer impose it's beliefs on other nations-we all need to learn to live beside each other but not control each other...we are not the police force for this planet we must get our own house in order and solve our own problems before we go preaching to other nations.

For as long as there are hungry, homeless people on the streets, for as long as drugs make rich men richer be they legal or illegal substances, for as long as all the inequalities and bad deeds continue, until the wealth of the world is NOT controlled by one percent of the population-until all these things are equalized and solved we are in DANGER and we will never have peace.

We MUST keep our money and our resources at home, put our house in order and see to the welfare of AMERICANS and our neighbors north and south-when that is done and we are strong again we must see that never again in history are the greedy, power hungry minions of our destruction allowed to have any real ability to damage this world and its people and environment.

We don't need a GOD to do this-God helps those who help themselves-we know what needs to be done we just need to stop yelling at each other and calling each other names and KILLING each other long enough to FIX IT....put it right...calm the waters and soothe the earth....make the skies clear again...and let PEACE reign.

And to those who would disturb this peace a warning that we, the people of this world, will never again be the slaves of your lies and personal agendas...never again!

How the HELL did we get HERE???

 2020 - it's already November, where did this year go? I have been busy campaigning against the right wing on Facebook-I forgot I have a...