Sunday, October 22, 2017

In Excelsis

I don't really believe in God-at least not the God that most born againers seem to adore=the mean old guy with the white beard envisioned by Michelangelo -sitting on a cloud making everyone guilty and miserable.

Clearly there are at least 2 GODs in the Bible-the god of the Jews and the New Testament God of Jesus.

Remembering that Jesus is the son of himself-all very confusing-and the holy spirit 3 in one-I don't think it's the same omnipotent super being.

Also the God of the new testament is way less of a sadist compared to the other one.

The Judeo Christian God certainly has the best PR and staying power amongst much of the world's population-I believe there are more than 2 billion Christians in the world about 1/3 of the worlds population-However,

Islam is growing more rapidly than any other religion in the world, according to a new report by the Pew Research Center that says the religion will nearly equal Christianity by 2050 before eclipsing it around 2070, if current trends continue.

This is surprising since Muslim is a stricter religion, rules wise.

I would think that NO religion that requires praying at designated times 5 sessions a day would be so popular.

People get very angry and loud over religion and perfectly nice folks turn into bullies...why?

I think mainly it's fear-disagreement with their beliefs which are tested daily makes them feel uneasy and shaky so they combat that with anger.

My Aunt Mildred was a very Christian woman in almost every way-she was decidedly liberal when it came to some areas like sexuality and co-habitating outside of marriage-but for herself she did unto others and followed the commandments on a pretty strict line.

I vividly remember the day my Dad dies she said very clearly-"I doubt God, I pray and I pray and he never answers".

I won't get deeply into my personal feelings about prayer except to say collective consciousness and focused thinking seems to bring positive results...and there are the events that are unexplainable.

So many people use prayer as a weapon begging GOD to smite someone or punish them for their wrong doings or wrong thinking.

I actually had a person who was virtually a total stranger and a witnessing Christian  tell me ."I pray every day that God will rid the world of Homosexuals and Liberals".

Interesting because I pray everyday for an end to Bigots and born again Christians (usually synonymous).

Is anyone as fascinated as I am that the Republican, Christian power mongers are the ones who get caught in all sorts of sleazy peccadillos ?

Yes, I know-Bill Clinton-so many people were fantasizing about him that they got angry when he was actually exposed as a human.

It has been proved that MANY people never consider that the President has anything under his suit-like a very complex audio animatronic KEN doll.

It's also important to understand that todays politicians aren't any more debauched than the founders of our country with their morphine and liquor addictions, mistresses of all varieties, slaves-the list is long and dark-the people tday just suffer from media overexposure-you may remember we got to see Jimmy Carters colonoscopy, George H. W. Bush vomit on a high ranking Japanese dignitary and most of the government LIE to the media every day-right on camera.

They aren't worse than their predecessors they're just more apt to get caught.

You can rant on at me forever about the country being founded upon religion and religious freedom-it's more complicated than that but people like things cut and dried-and I agree to an extent that this new world was founded upon a basis of escaping religious persecution-even in 1776 the auto de fe, mass executions of heretics by burning and other unattractive ways to perish in the name of religion were not that far behind-I believe we had a few such murders in Massachusetts and perhaps elsewhere and I frankly don't think religious persecution is over.

When a woman has to worry about imprisonment for having an abortion because of a religious reason that's just wrong-I have said before it's between that woman and her conscience -not an easy choice but certainly NOT a choice that should be legislated by Old men in Washington D C or any other state capitol.

They have white washed the issue with fetal rights and pseudo-science-so I put forward that instead of abortion we deliver the unborn child by Caesarian and then have people pray over it-that seems fair or in the case of Father's Rights we find a way to have the man carry the fetus.

With so many children is terrible conditions just in our country alone bringing more children into this world seems like child abuse.

People think they want children and then find the reality horrible to del with-12 and 13 year old girls have babies because they want one-again the reality doesn't match the fantasy and often that child's mother or grandmother ends up raising the kid-but some of these girls do it yearly and walk away from the children as easily as changing outfits.

Where is GOD in all this? You would think an omnipotent super being would know when to flip the switch on unwanted pregnancies...

We have a separation of church and state for a reason-the religious right doesn't want to accept or talk about that they want a theocracy-one Nation under God (and preferably the Old Testament White Bearded White guy on a cloud with a very twisted sense of good and evil).

Despite laws to protect people's individual human rights they will persecute and bully based on their beliefs-they will condemn Muslims for their theocracies, laugh at the laws and traditions of Jews, make fun of the Mormon's "magic underwear" superior and entitled the 7% born againers, or born from above or born of the blood of Christ-whomever the hell they are-the quicker we are free of their tyranny the better and the same goes for all twisted beliefs based on MAGIC THINKING-done in the name of an invisible deity because someone said it was true.

WHY is the Bible, Old and New Testament, any more valid a document or any more divinely inspired than say Darwin's Origin of the species?

GOD hasn't been making any visits lately via burning bushes or pillars of fire-if someone says God is speaking to them and is sufficiently zealous about it we generally send them off for psychiatric care so how do we know they are not the NEW prophets?

What about the other 100's or Thousands of deities that have come and gone over the centuries? How do we know that they weren't as valid as Jesus or Jehovah or Moses?

We laugh at people who have religions based on shaky concepts like the Mormon's with the magica plates and the glasses that allowed one ro read them but only one person had that divine experience and the rest had to take him at his word-Mormon is a huge religion and has replaced the Baptists in missionary work and converts.

And frankly the church that was invented by a KING to get out from under a marriage, escape the clutches of a more powerful religious valid can that be in the scheme of things?

I suggest you read "The Handmaid's Tales" by Margaret Atwood if you want to see how easily religion can be twisted to make the powerful even more powerful-and Neil Gaiman's delightful epic "American Gods" that pretty much sums up mankind and how we makeup things to worship and how that all plays out with the God's we have made and forgotten.

I think it's important to believe in something-at one point we could believe in America as a concept and a goal worth fighting for-at one we have fear, loathing, bigotry worse than almost anytime in history.

America is being run by mega-maniacal mad men, religious zealots who invite the rapture and Armageddon, militaristic white supremacists who don't want the 2nd amendment tampered with because currently they are better armed than the U S Armed Forces, Street Gangs that make yearly profits like giant corporations (the replacement for the Mafia) and PACs that have only their interests in mind and focus on their agendas with supernatural energy.

The population is kept agitated by fear, rumor and innuendo augmented by the realities of living in America today as jobs disappear,  services are outsourced, food is contaminated, and more.

In the market I can get Pear's from Chili-why can't I get pears from the USA? Because they are shipped elsewhere so they bring higher profits...why are so many vitamins and supplements made in China? Because that makes the profit's enormous meanwhile our factories crumble and decay.

Once again I ask you-WHERE is GOD in all this?

Don't try the punishment for all our sinful ways crap with me-if that were true Washington D C would be SODOM---and why is it that the Bible belt is hit every year by killer storms while the sin cities run wide open?

It's a rhetorical question...

PS: I was discussing this God and his thunderbolts dogma of punishment and anger with someone who simply said, "That is the angry OLD God the gentle NEW God sends treatments and cures".

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